
Grade Level Happenings

Grade Level Happenings

Special Note to Grade 6 Parents: Sixth Grade is going on a Trip Jan 3rd!  We are excited to be going to MoMath during the school day on Wednesday after the break.  Please see Mrs. Segar's letter for details.  Note that we are coming back to campus before the end of...

Kathy’s Message

Happy Holidays! As we head into our Winter Break, I want to wish you all a wonderful holiday season, whatever your beliefs or traditions are. I hope you are able to spend some quality time with your loved ones, engage in your favorite past-times, and renew your sense...

Message from the Deans

Managing Planned Absences Parents planning holiday travel should be aware that the last day before winter break, December 15th, and the first day back, on January 2nd, are filled with important classes and activities for students in all three middle-school grades. We...

Our Community of Learners

“Humans of D-E” Project:   Earlier in the year, every HomeBase group was paired up with an employee of D-E and, through a series of activities, got to know their particular person better. Now, many of the HomeBase groups are planning a lunch meeting with their “Human”...

Grade Level Updates from our Core Teams

Team 6: It has been another busy month in the sixth grade. In English, the students wrapped up the Moment PBL unit. They each wrote about a significant moment in their life, and then they shared them with their English classes. Finally, the students shared their...

Kathy’s Message

Kathy’s Message

Folks, I always enjoy our Winter Arts Festival, and I hope you had the opportunity to attend last Thursday’s night performance and display of artwork. From the look of pride on their faces, your youngsters enjoy making a beautiful piece of artwork to hang on the wall,...

Kathy’s Message

Kathy’s Message

Folks, Today as I write this, your children are home (off from a typical day of classes), and my teachers are immersed in composing and writing their Fall Interim Comments for each student. The comments are written to help students see more clearly their own approach...

Grade Level Happenings

Grade 6: October was a wonderful month for our sixth graders. Classes were able to gain traction, and the students have been working diligently across the curriculum. In English, students wrapped up the short stories unit. They wrote two analytical paragraphs about...

Our D-E Community

Our D-E Community

In the Garden: It’s seed-saving time!  7th grade DIG students practiced wet and dry seed saving techniques and begin their study of seed types and the anatomy of a seed. Parent volunteers enjoy fried green tomatoes prepared by the students. [gallery type="circle"...