
Grade Level Updates

Grade Level Updates

The sixth grade has been hard at work in the first month of school. The students are quickly adjusting to the expectations of Middle School.  In science, students are watching the “Inner Fish” and making connections to the program with the Theory and Ideas of...

Upcoming Field Trips

On Monday, October 10, our seventh graders spend the day at Alpine Boat Basin. On Friday, October 14, the sixth graders will visit the American Museum of Natural History to both lend a hands-on component to their study of human origins in social studies, and to find...

Fall 2016 Clubs & Athletic Teams

Fall 2016 Clubs & Athletic Teams

Earlier this week our MS students learned about our activity period opportunities in clubs and athletic teams. Here is a chart with an overview of those offerings. Your child(ren) should ask their HomeBase Advisor and/or Grade Dean if they have any questions. Click to...

Message from the D-E School Store

If you would like to return any books that were ordered from ClassBook, you may bring them to the School Store (first floor of Klein Building) by Wednesday, September 21st. I will ship them to ClassBook and a refund will be issued on your credit card. Please include...

From Kathy Christoph, MS Principal

From Kathy Christoph, MS Principal

Folks, We’ve got kids! It was wonderful to fling open our school doors on Tuesday and greet the students as they came flocking in. The day was jam-packed with all sorts of orientation activities designed to establish strong relationships and feelings of comfort among...