Grade Updates: Around the Halls & Arts Explorations

In the World Language classes, our 6th graders are learning how to identify the definite and indefinite articles with the school vocabulary. They are also learning the appropriate use of the verbs “ar”. Our 7th graders are learning how to tell their schedule in Spanish.  Some of our 8th graders learned the clothing vocabulary and the appropriate use of the verbs “Saber” and “Conocer.”  Other classes presented their Imaginary trip to a Hispanic Country Project. Here, they simulated a community service in a school or hospital applying their vocabulary about “El servicio comunitario” and “La medicina” in Latin America. In our Latin classes, students are finishing a unit based on the video “Roman City” about the conquest of Gaul, urban planning, and Roman vision and values.  Students are now studying the 6 cases, noun functions (nominative and an accusative.) Here, students are emphasizing their skills as in active listening, note taking, and collaboration.

In Studio Art 6, the young artists have begun creating thumbnail sketches of fall-themed objects for their Still-Life Watercolor Painting. Students viewed and discussed master artworks, among them Van Gogh, Cezanne, and Vermeer to study effective compositions and each artist’s unique use of shape, light, and shadow with paint.

In Chorus, our 6th grade singers have been working on their train costumes for the upcoming Winter Arts Festival. In 7th-8th Grade Chorus youngsters are memorizing material and doing staging as they, too, prepare for the Winter Arts Festival. And in Show Choir, the students in this Discovery Class are working with choreographers and staging, plus adding elements of costume.

In the 7th grade: Drama just finished writing and performing their 1-minute plays and now they will be starting their Mindfulness Unit. In Art Explorations, our 7th graders are also working in pairs to create the large roller skate sculptures for the Winter Arts festival decor.  Also, two sections have begun documenting and reflecting on their art using SeeSaw.  Use the links and enter the password “bulldogs” to see and read their posts.

In the 8th grade: Drama has begun the Spoken Word PBL and students have started to write original performance poems that they will eventually be learning and performing before the Winter Break.Our 8th Graders have also completed their Landmark Illustration project, a mixed media piece in which students used pen and ink and watercolor to show a place that is meaningful to them and their family. Students even fashioned their own dipping pens from bamboo reeds during this unit.