
Community Time

In our HomeBase Program, our Middle School students recently finished their exploration of Intent vs. Impact with a series of lessons created by the LAG (Lead Advisory Group) Committee.  Groups watched videos, had discussions and took time to reflect that sometimes...

Health & Wellness Update

There have been a lot of exciting things happening with the Health and Wellness department classes in the middle school. After the inaugural year of the Project Based Learning (PBL) teaching method last year, the successful program continued again this year when one...

Grade Level Updates

PEAL (Phys.Ed, Arts & Language) Classes In the World Language classes, our 6th graders are learning how to conjugate verbs in present tense with ar, er, and ir endings as well as how to phrase questions with words like “cómo”, “cuándo,” and “dónde”.  Our 7th...

Message from Kathy Christoph

Folks, I trust you all were able to access your child’s grade report (for Grades 7 & 8) and/or checklists (for Grade 6), and view their progress throughout the first semester of this year. Even more importantly, I hope you were able to engage in a conversation...

Deans’ Message: Discipline @ D-E

Deans’ Message: Discipline @ D-E

As a mission-driven school with a clearly articulated set of community values, D-E has certain behavioral expectations for its community members. (For a descriptive list of our D-E community values, click here, go to,  or refer to the MS Handbook...

Community Time

Community Time

Next week, Friday, January 20, first semester grades for 7th and 8th grade students and checklists for 6th grade students will be released to them during an Extended HomeBase period. HomeBase teachers will guide the students in reviewing the grades or checklists, with...

In the Classrooms: Grade Level Updates

In the Classrooms: Grade Level Updates

Grade 6: The sixth grade eagerly picked up with new projects and curriculum in 2017. Last Wednesday, the sixth grade traveled to the MoMath Museum in NYC. The students participated in workshops about probability, and they had a chance to explore the exhibits. In math...

Message from Kathy Christoph, MS Principal

Folks, Dwight-Englewood School is undertaking a process in which we are engaging to hire our Director of Institutional Equity and Social Justice.A draft job description is provided below for your general information. We have invited two Senior Search Consultants from...

Arts and Language Department Update

Arts and Language Department Update

Here’s a snippet of what’s been happening in our Visual/Performing Arts and World Language classes: Drama: 8th grade Coffee House was held earlier this week. It is amazing to hear the level of quality in the students’ spoken word pieces. In 7th grade, the students...

Health and Wellness Department Update

The Middle School Health and Wellness Department has been busy this past month, involving our students in a variety of fun and healthy activities and assessments. Our students finished the physical assessment program, the FitnessGram, in which individuals were tested...