
Message from Kathy Christoph

Message from Kathy Christoph

Folks, Learning changes dramatically when students have opportunities to produce work that matters to them. We know this from our own lives---I only need think about the past few days in my life to know this is true. It’s easy for me to recall that moment this past...

Grade Level Updates

Grade Level Updates

In the World Language classes, some of our 6th graders learned some idiomatic expressions with the verbs “tener” and others finished their Project Based Learning (PBL) Weather Unit. Additionally, directed by the question of "How does community express itself abroad?"...

Spring Sports and Spring Activity Clubs

Spring Sports and Spring Activity Clubs

Yesterday we gathered together during the last period of the day to learn about Spring Sports and Spring Activity Clubs. In an effort to help students better navigate the club choices, we distributed the list of clubs along with a short description and any special...

Avoiding Distraction with Guided Access

Avoiding Distraction with Guided Access

Contributed by Bill Campbell, Academic Technology Director While digital technology provides access to an abundance of tools and resources that are helpful and are becoming a part of daily life, it also requires us to work at avoiding distractions. Last month I...

Message from Kathy Christoph, MS Principal

Message from Kathy Christoph, MS Principal

Folks, That hum you hear in the air is our Middle School community, with students and adults alike engaged in learning, growing, and excelling! It has been another note-worthy week---our 8’s are discovering their passions and learning ways to be socially active with...

Dean’s Message

Dean’s Message

Why Isn’t There an Elected Student Government in Middle School? Research and experience have shown us that middle school student elections are often popularity contests and usually give just a few students most of the leadership opportunities. In the D-E middle school...

Grade Level Updates

Grade Level Updates

Grade 6: For the last month, the sixth grade has been immersed in our Food and Identity Unit. The students are looking forward to sharing their work at our celebration on February 9th from 9:00 - 10:30 in Hajjar Auditorium. We hope many of you will be able to join us!...

Community Time

Community Time

On Wednesday, February 8th, we will host our annual “Pack the Gym” MS Basketball event in the Large Gym of Modell’s Sports Complex here at D-E.  Our entire division will cheer on our Girls’ MS Basketball team as they take on Elisabeth Morrow School at 3:00 PM followed...

Tech Tip

Contributed by Mr. Bill Campbell, Academic Technology Director While I recommend that digital devices be off and stored outside of bedrooms overnight when possible, there is actually a good reason to leave an iPad (or iPhone) plugged in and on overnight. When iCloud...