

Our Arts classes continue to offer our students rich, robust experiences that stretch each child in creative thinking, doing, and performing. Drama 7: Students are finishing up theatre terminology. They will soon engage in a backstage tour and lesson with our DE...


In Grade 8, students in English classes are wrapping up their study of To Kill A Mockingbird and continuing to refine topic sentences and thesis statements.  Students are also learning grammatical concepts in order to help increase the specificity of their arguments,...


Folks: Wow: the level of activity here in the Middle School continues to be of high quality with plenty of intellectual challenges and academic experiences for every student! As we head into Spring Break, I share below some of the good stuff that I get to see every...

Gentle Reminders

Our school day officially begins at 8:10. That means children should be in their first period classroom/assignment with their materials at hand and ready to engage in the day’s activity. Please help your child arrive at school in a timely manner so s/he can go to...

Middle School Happenings

Middle School Happenings

Studio art 6 students have wrapped up the art portion of the Identity Unit by piecing together their self-portraits to form the beautiful quilt on display on the second floor of Umpleby.  Currently 6th graders are exploring the potential of clay by using additive and...

Grade Level Happenings

Grade Level Happenings

In 6th grade we finished up a very successful Identity Unit with an assembly on Feb. 4th. The assembly highlighted their hard work in each class from the DENN project in Social Studies to the Self-Portraits in art, to name a few. Following the assembly the...

Message from Kathy

Folks, I trust your sons and daughters enjoyed their long weekend. Yesterday, the entire Middle School faculty and I were engaged in a workshop with a presenter from the nationally-renowned Buck Institute for Education group. This was a type of...

Special Message for Grade 6 Families

Dear Sixth Grade Parent or Guardian: I am happy to announce our next New York City field trip occurring Friday, March 4th. To complement the 6th Grade social studies unit underway at that time, as well as content they will be studying in art classes, students will...

Happenings in our Middle School

Happenings in our Middle School

We started out the New Year with Wellness Week, designed and coordinated by our Health and Wellness Department.  Throughout the week, students and faculty engaged in a variety of experiences that highlighted the different components of Wellness: physical, emotional,...

Grade-Level Happenings

In 6th grade, students are learning about themselves through many different lenses during the Identity unit. In Science, they are learning about their genetics and the traits that make them who they are. In English, students are creating a "Where I'm From?" poem using...