
Thanksgiving Food Drive 

Thanksgiving Food Drive 

Every year, many Bergen County families do not have enough food to feed themselves. Some of these families use the Bergen County Center for Food Action (CFA) to get food. This time of year, CFA is greatly in need of food; many families do not have enough food to serve...

A Message from the Deans

Not Your Parents’ “Report Cards” In Mid-November, the first written report cards summarizing student progress become available.  But the reports you will receive are not just the old-fashioned list of grades our own parents may have received – and which may still feel...

Keeping our Children Safe and Healthy

As all children move through adolescence, particularly in the middle school years, they encounter dramatic physical, emotional, and lifestyle changes. Developmental transitions, such as puberty and increasing independence, have been associated with alcohol use. ...

Grade Level Updates

6th grade: October has been a busy month and lots of exciting learning is happening throughout the curriculum. In English, the students are hard at work on their Moment PBL project. After brainstorming and interviewing friends and family, students are working on...

From Kathy Christoph

From Kathy Christoph

Folks, Last Friday while your children enjoyed a day off from school, our Middle School (MS) teachers spent time writing thoughtful comments about the strengths, challenges, opportunities and patterns of each child in each of their classes. For more information about...

Grade Level Updates

Grade Level Updates

In Studio Art 6 the young artists are putting finishing touches on the Texture Animal Project. This year we are asking students to write a short anecdote about their animal to help tell the public why it is a special creature. Studio Art 7 students are finishing the...

A Message from the Deans

Supporting Students: Homework Completion and the “Missing Homework” E-mail By this point in the year, many parents may have received a short e-mail from their child saying something like, “Dear Mom and Dad, I did not complete my reading assignment because I thought it...

Health and Wellness

Health and Wellness

The Middle School Health and Wellness Department has had a smooth start of the 2016-2017 school year.  Our students have enjoyed current class activities such as Tennis, Badminton, Football, Soccer, Lacrosse, Field Hockey, Frisbee, Fitness and Health. The young...

As a Community…

As a Community…

“We’ve got Spirit, Yes we do. We’ve got spirit. How ‘bout you?” Next week is Spirit Week at D-E and we are ready to have some fun! Our Pep Rally Committee has done an outstanding job of planning the week, complete with daily themes and a rousing Pep Rally on Thursday....

As a community…

As a community…

Morning Meeting is a once-a-week time when our entire Middle School community comes together. Although the time is short, it is so very valuable in helping to define our culture, our Mission, and ways we want to live together. Take our Core Values and our Student As...