
Community Time

The Middle School LAG (Lead Advisory Group) Committee worked throughout the summer on our HomeBase Curriculum.  In order to face a changing world, students need to develop empathy - the tool to engage with diverse ideas and turn conflict into understanding.  We...

Message from Kathy Christoph

Message from Kathy Christoph

Folks, It was wonderful seeing so many parents and guardians here last week for Parent-Teacher Conferences. I hope your conversations with the teachers gave you a better picture of your child as learner, with a sense of their emerging strengths and passions,...

Grade Level Updates

Grade Level Updates

6th GRADE: The sixth grade is working diligently to prepare for one of our annual capstone experiences: Egypt Day. In social studies, the students are rehearsing and planning for their performances on December 15 (Parents are invited to see performances from 1:00 -...

Community Times and Student Leadership

Community Times and Student Leadership

When you were here for Conferences, you probably spotted the table that was selling bracelets and raffle tickets. One of our HomeBase groups wanted to support their fellow classmate, Charlie, and decided to raise money in honor of him and donate it to Strike Out...

Middle School Club Activities & Special Events: Highlights

Middle School Club Activities & Special Events: Highlights

In the garden, Middle School students in the "Eat Local: Winter Gardening" Club learned today that eating seasonal vegetables that are grown close to home helps protect our planet and reduce our carbon footprint because local, seasonal food has fewer "food miles." ...

A Message from the Deans

A Message from the Deans

ScreenAgers at School We hope you had the opportunity to enjoy the recent screening of “ScreenAgers : Growing Up in the Digital Age” organized by the D-E Parents Association.  At school, some students (those with room in their schedules) were able to view the entire...

Our Community of Learners

This week’s Assembly showcased some of our amazing students in our annual Talent Show. Singers, dancers, musicians, comedians, and poets regaled us with a wonderful display of their talents. I continue to be amazed! Last week, students engaged in the Comment...

Health and Wellness

Health and Wellness

The Dwight-Englewood Middle School began their Bi-Annual FitnessGram program in their Health and Wellness classes. The FitnessGram is an assessment program which is given twice a year, which measures an individual's fitness level via tests in five areas: Pacer Test...

Message from Kathy

Folks, Whether you’re happy with the election results or not, it has been an emotional time for many. Here at school, we have seen the range of emotions from our young adolescents and have spent time helping them gain perspective on the events, and gain skills in...