
What’s Happening in Classrooms

What’s Happening in Classrooms

6th Grade:  April promises to be a busy month in sixth grade! In science, students were treated to a visit by Immunologist (and D-E parent) Dr. Julie Rubinstein. Dr. Rubenstein and one of her colleagues spoke with our students about their work at adaptive...

Kathy’s Message

Folks, I trust each of you found some good family time over the Spring Break and were able to enjoy some special moments with your young adolescents. I loved being in Umpleby Lobby on the Monday morning after the Break, listening to the excited chatter and gleeful...

Annual Health and Wellness Week

Annual Health and Wellness Week

Our Middle School enjoyed the invigorating experience as we participated in the 2017 version of the “Annual Health and Wellness Week,” with the theme of  “Building A Stronger Community.” The week’s Opening Ceremonies introduced the focus and schedule of various...

Message from Kathy Christoph

Folks, I came across an article the other day where the author, Cheryl Mizerny, talked about why she loves working with middle school children. I immediately felt a strong kinship to her as she described the wonderful and often-times wacky world of working with young...

Message from Kathy Christoph

Folks, This evening, you will have access to your child’s interim comments report for the spring semester. These comments summarize months of hard work and productivity, and I hope your child feels accomplished with his/her progress. You may access the comments...

Our Community of Learners

Our Community of Learners

HomeBase advisors are diligently working this week writing comments to the students.  The comments include the SAL (Student as Learner) traits that our students are familiar with and that we focus on both in the classroom and in HomeBase.  Students will have a chance...

Tech Tips: Free books (and more) from anywhere

Tech Tips: Free books (and more) from anywhere

Contributed by Bill Campbell, Academic Technology Director Spring Break is right around the corner so some D-E Middle School students may have more unscheduled time available than usual during those two weeks. Reading for pleasure is a good way to fill some time, and...

Grade Level Updates

Grade Level Updates

8th Grade: The 8th grade English teachers have rolled out a new unit on Ad Rhetoric. Students will examine explicit and implicit rhetoric through the visual and verbal elements in advertisements.  For the final project students will rebrand an advertisement in the...

Our Community of Learners

Our Community of Learners

Well, the weather is starting to get warmer, the grass is getting just a little bit greener, and the birds are starting to begin their pilgrimage back to the North for the Spring... and do you know what that means? You’re right!  It’s time for the "2017 Health and...