
Grade Level Updates:  A Last Look This Year!

Grade Level Updates: A Last Look This Year!

May has been a busy month for our sixth graders. In science, students worked diligently to complete their experiments and lab reports in anticipation for their Experimental Design Fair (see photos both above and below - scroll down!). The Fair itself was a wonderful...

Reminder from Sara Schulman, MS/US Nurse

Dear MS/US Parents & Guardians, Another brief, but very important reminder: Now that the 2017-2018 school year has begun, all medical/physical examination forms must now be completed, signed as appropriate, and on file with the MS/US Nurse's Office.  Any physical...

Deans’ Message

Summer Parenting Opportunity: Help Your Child Develop Good Social Media Use Habits As the end of the school year approaches and students look forward to the change of pace and excitement their summer schedules will bring, they also may be thinking about how to stay in...

Message from Kathy Christoph, MS Principal

Folks, As your child moves through young adolescence, s/he is becoming more independent and is increasingly involved in activities outside the home and with their peers. When you try to have a conversation with them, they may roll their eyes, grunt, or pretend not to...

Grade Level Happenings

Grade Level Happenings

6th Grade:  With May’s arrival, our 6th graders are working on their last curricular units. In Science, students have started to work on their Experimental Design projects. They will be testing consumer products and seeing what brand is the most reliable based on...

Building Community…and Building Muscles!

Building Community…and Building Muscles!

Looking to bring a bit of new excitement to the last several weeks of school, our Health and Wellness teachers are challenging students to compete in fun, friendly, low-key competitions during some of the Recess periods.  The "Recess Activity Challenge" begins this...

Event Reminders

Event Reminders

A few event reminders: The last D-E 360° Summer Connections Open House is this Saturday, April 22. Save the dates for Summer Connections 2017, in session from June 26 – August 4. The Summer Open House is a great opportunity to learn about “Enrichment” offerings in...

Grade Level Updates

Grade Level Updates

In the World Language classes, our 6th graders are learning about clothing vocabulary and creating presentations in the target language about their favorite outfits for each season.  Our 7th graders are learning about boot verbs in the present tense. They are creating...

A Reminder from the MS-US Nurse

Dear D-E Parents/Guardians, This is a gentle reminder that all medications for MS/US students must be deposited with me in the MS/US Nurse's Office, for distribution during the school day, including over-the-counter medications such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen.  ...