
World Languages Update

In the World Language classes, our 6th grade Spanish students are learning about food in the Hispanic world in addition to the appropriate use of possessive adjectives. Our 7th graders are learning about sports and hobbies as well as certain stem changing verbs and...

Health and Wellness

Health and Wellness

Spring is in the air!! The trees and flowers are starting to bloom and brighten, the Spring rains have watered the earth, the birds have begun their annual migration back from the south, and the Health and Wellness department has sprung into the last Marking Period of...

Kathy’ s Message

Folks, The pace here at school continues to be a steady upward push as we head into May. With the end of the school year in sight, teachers and students alike are beginning to think about closures, transitions, and new beginnings.  Here in the MS Office, we are hard...

Dean’s Message: Cultivating Leadership

Have you ever wondered why there is not an elected student government in Middle School? In the D-E Middle School we want as many students as possible to have an opportunity to lead. We know that our students will be leaders in the world and want to help them feel...

Kathy’s Message

Folks, The period of time from April ‘til the end of the year represents a major growth period for your young adolescents and their schooling. The curriculum in every subject and in every grade ramps up a notch, taking advantage of the developmental growth that is...

Grade Level Happenings

Grade Level Happenings

The sixth grade picked up right where we left off after a relaxing March break. April has been busy, and the pace will continue to pick up throughout the spring. In Math 6, students have been working on circles, relating the circumference of a circle to its diameter...

Community Happenings

Community Happenings

Along with our many leadership opportunities available to our youngsters as outlined in the Dean’s Page this issue, we’ve experienced a wonderful increase of specialty groups for middle school students to join. Affinity groups, safe space groups, and specialty groups...

Nurse’s Corner: Beware, It’s Allergy Season!

Wow!  We go from cold temperatures and snow directly into allergy season!  Itchy eyes, stuffy noses and sneezing have made their appearances. Spring allergies usually begin around mid-March with the rise of tree pollen. It usually reaches its peak sometime in April...

Kathy’s Message

Folks, Starting today at 12:00 PM, you have access to your child’s interim comments report for the spring semester. These comments summarize months of hard work and productivity, and I hope your child feels accomplished with his/her progress. You may access the...

Grade Level Updates

Grade Level Updates

In the weeks leading up to the spring break, the sixth graders have been busy on lots of new and exciting curriculum. In Social Studies, students are working in teams of four to plan and create a poster depicting 1400 years of Greek History. First the students choose...