
Community Time

Community Time

The new year arrived and our students were excited to once again connect with their “Humans of D-E”!  In preparation for their upcoming meetings, students discussed the benefits of getting to know people in their community.  They prepared interview questions,...

Grade Level Updates

Grade Level Updates

In the World Language classes… Our 6th graders in Spanish are learning about how to describe their family with appropriate adjectives. Students created songs using the verb “SER” and wrote their first mini-paragraph of 15 sentences describing their favorite television...

Health and Wellness Happenings

Health and Wellness Happenings

The cold winter winds are blowing, snowflakes are dancing in the air, and icicles dangle from the roofs of buildings, but the warm sounds of laughter and joy of our students fills the gymnasiums of the Modell’s Sports Complex as they attend their Health and Wellness...

Kathy’s Message

Kathy’s Message

Folks, In my last issue of MS Messages, I shared with you three tips to help you work with your young adolescent on organization skills. Getting organized can make life easier for middle school kids, especially as they learn to cope with more school and home demands....

Deans’ Message: Affinity/Safe Space Groups in MS

As a community that values diversity, we continually strive to find ways to embrace our differences, learn from each other, recognize our commonalities and celebrate our unique identities.  For middle school students, growing strong into their own identities and...

Grade Level Updates

Grade Level Updates

Grade 6: In sixth grade, the first highlight of 2018 was a fabulous trip to MoMath last Wednesday, January 3. Students participated in a workshop about probability, and then they had an opportunity to explore the museum. In math 6 classes, students are analyzing data...

Kathy’s Message

Kathy’s Message

Folks, Getting organized can make life easier for middle school kids, especially as they learn to cope with more school and home demands. At home, you can help them practice and learn and while it might take some effort in the beginning, it’s worth it in the long run....

Community Time

In November, when students first received comments and then grades, HomeBase groups spent time reading and reflecting on both their accomplishments and areas where they needed to improve.  After spending time writing about their growth and setting goals for the second...

In the Garden

In the Garden

DIG students problem-solved how to deconstruct our Umpleby garden beds using "simple tools" -- such as a lever -- and teamwork The master plan for our campus includes new construction on the current site of Umpleby Hall.  Although that construction is several years...

Health and Wellness Highlights

Health and Wellness Highlights

The Middle School Health and Wellness Department has been busy this past month, involving students in a variety of fun and healthy activities and assessments. The students just finished the physical assessment program, the FitnessGram, in which individuals were tested...