Health and Wellness

Spring is in the air!! The trees and flowers are starting to bloom and brighten, the Spring rains have watered the earth, the birds have begun their annual migration back from the south, and the Health and Wellness department has sprung into the last Marking Period of the year!

Our Middle School students will participate in classes such as “Fitness Fundamentals” in which individuals will learn important aspects of fitness such as finding their resting heart rate and determining their Target Heart Rate. Classes such as “Introduction to the Fitness Centers” will teach the students the beginning steps of using the Weight Room, Spinning Studio, Yoga, and basic Physiology. In our “Sticks and Racquets” classes, individual will learn the basic rules and skills of sports such as tennis, lacrosse, field hockey, badminton, pickleball, and street hockey. This is just a taste of the wonderful things that our middle school children will be learning and discovering.

Lastly, the students will be completing the Spring-time testing of the fitness assessment and reporting program, the FitnessGram.  This evaluation test allows teachers, administrators, parents, and most importantly, students, to know, comprehend and make positive changes to their health, which will in turn help them build a healthy lifestyle needed to carry them into the future. Students are assessed in the areas off muscular strength, muscular endurance, flexibility, and cardiorespiratory endurance.