A Reminder from the MS-US Nurse

Dear D-E Parents/Guardians,

This is a gentle reminder that all medications for MS/US students must be deposited with me in the MS/US Nurse’s Office, for distribution during the school day, including over-the-counter medications such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen.  

D-E School Medication Forms, that authorize the administration of over-the-counter and any other medication that is to be given at school, at any time, can be found at www.d-e.org/enroll

This policy for proper procedure for medication administration is referenced in the 2016-2017 D-E Middle and Upper School Student Handbooks.  Handbooks were distributed earlier this year; to download a PDF of the Handbook(s) please go to www.d-e.org/middle

The only exceptions are medications for asthma (inhaler), for other potentially life-threatening illnesses (insulin) or a life-threatening allergic reaction (epinephrine). For additional information on NJ State legal statute covering these rules, please click here.

Let’s all work to maintain a safe environment for all students! Please contact me if you have any questions.

Be well,

Sara Schulman
MS/US Nurse