Health and Wellness

The Dwight-Englewood Middle School began their Bi-Annual FitnessGram program in their Health and Wellness classes. The FitnessGram is an assessment program which is given twice a year, which measures an individual’s fitness level via tests in five areas: Pacer Test (Cardiovascular Endurance), V-Sit and Reach (Flexibility), Crunches (Core Strength), Push-Ups (Upper Body Strength), and Trunk Raise (Core Strength and Flexibility).

Once they are completed, test results are shared with both students (in the classroom) and parents (a report sent home.)

In other exciting news, one of Mr. Muller’s 8th grade Health and Wellness classes traveled down to the Lower School and visited one of Mrs. Franco’s 1st-grade classes. A student from one class paired up with a student from the opposite class, and then participated on an obstacle course together followed by a time of dancing together. All had a great time!! We look forward to continuing this new tradition in the year to come.